3 Months

Its been hectic and a busy 3 months now since we started out on our own. On the work front there's been a couple of interior projects to work on, we took part in one competition, completed the design for a 500 unit residential development overseas and got to know a few potential clients with whom we are pitching for a varied spectrum of work, from conceptualisation of a shopping mall's spatial identity to exhibition design, amongst other things. Although there were times where we worked stretches on end, of which we must have spent a record least number of hours with our kids, I must say its been a very fulfilling experience. Sometimes we wonder why we have not done this earlier.

Now that we have our own little practice going something that has kept us constantly thinking of is how we are defining our practice in terms of its direction and approach to design. But more importantly - what we are doing to reach that ideal with each project that comes our way, or at least to set the trajectory right. Its no easy task as it is largely a result of what projects you get to work on, whatever comes our way.

1 comment:

BenzTsubasa Studio said...

I think you have done a good job for you own company.....i mean studio!I extremely love the design concept that been created!so keep on going!!!