1st Post

The word is out - we are finally in. We have now officially joined the ranks of owning a company. Our first task was to get our name, identity and the object we had to present for SUPERGARDEN up. It was created in just under a week in time for the submission. What seemed like a long and indecisive process on our part to start up this practice together seemed to materialise in just so short a time.

Just a bit of history....we were 2 of the 3 founding members of Multiply Architects in 2007. After some years of collaboration prior to that, we decided to go our own ways. Some of the works shown in this website were developed during that time, of which we were responsible for the design efforts.

We will be updating this blog as often as we can. Its our first time building a website thanks to iWeb - yes, no coding, scripts, flash animation whatsoever just plain idiot-proof D-I-Y. The website is still undergoing construction so do bear with us while we try to get as much of our work and ideas uploaded to share.

Meanwhile, do visit the rest of our website and feel free to leave a comment or contact us.